Wednesday 21 January 2015

Kingston Rebuild

In October of 2008 I was on a drive and came accross an 80 year old limestone wall that was in really bad shape. It was imploding into itself with the foundations spreading from roots and the section that was along the road side had toppled over. Passer-by's were starting to poach some of the fallen material that had fallen into the ditch and I felt I could help the homeowner bring it back to its previous glory.

I went up to the house, knocked on the door and handed them a card. I explained what I did and gave them a rough estimate. A couple days later I got the call to come and fix the wall! It was my first solo project since starting my business and I felt pretty lucky to have a 50' free-standing wall to build with a square pillar.

I moved the the wall away from it's original wall line as it was going down into the ditch where the stone thieves were pretty relentless. I kept the original shape with the curve at about half way and added the vertical coping for strength.

Being an old wall in Kingston, the local Kingston Limestone was the stone that the wall was built with. I love the look of this stone and how nice it was to work with. The original wall was made up of left over stone from the blasting that was done on the property to build the old stone house.

When rebuilding old walls more material is usually needed for hearting and some face stones. Luckily being in Kingston where stone is literally popping out of the ground, I was able to go into the forest on the property and hand pick any of the added materials i needed.

This wall will always be my favorite wall that I've worked on. Even though my craftsmanship has improved 10 fold since then, I still like to see my beginnings as a waller. I cant help myself that every time I am in the Kingston area I take a drive out to see the wall and how its aged. A friend of mine sends me pics every year. The pics above were from this past summer of 2014.

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